Customer Support: Non-Voice

In this era of digital world, non-voice customer support plays a vital role in any business. Cautious, careful monitoring of customers’ queries and replying immediately to them is a vital need. Non-voice customer support empowers businesses by boosting customers’ confidence.

Infocon’s services help you in freeing up time spent in replying to emails, chats, ticketing systems or any other medium of non-Voice customer support, so that you can give more dedicated attention to your core business activities.

We employ empathetic and professional executives to provide your customers with swift and accurate information. The executives are technically trained before they hit the floor.

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Diverse Non-Voice Customer Support Services

Email Support Services

Online Ticketing Services

Chat Support Services

Social Media Support Services (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube)

When you outsource to Infocon you can test quality completely free of cost.