HTML Conversion

Infocon’s HTML conversion services support businesses globally in organizing and channelizing their documents. HTML can be made interactive and responsive. We offer professional services for the conversion of books, journals, loose sheets and different electronic formats like XML, Word etc. to HTML or any other file/format to HTML.

Most of the web pages/documents are now written by using the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) which provides formatted information that can be viewed with browsers. With the increased use of HTML, there has been an increase in the need for HTML conversion services.

Our tested procedures and flexible arrangements have supported a large number of organizations to swiftly convert huge volumes of data to HTML without any information loss or errors. With advanced tools and multiple levels of quality checks, we deliver exceptional results in projects involving speedy data conversion.

Infocon has expertise in the conversion of HTML to any other format.

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Diverse HTML Conversion Services

Conversion of XML to HTML

Conversion of MS Word format to HTML

Conversion of PDF to HTML

Conversion of RTF to HTML

Conversion of tiff (or any image format) & text to HTML

Conversion of Excel to HTML

Conversion of CSV to HTML

Conversion of hardcopies to HTML

Vintage Books Conversion to HTML

Vintage Journals Conversion to HTML

When you outsource to Infocon, you can test the quality of the deliverables completely free.